Floataway are able to offer a comprehensive design consultancy and implementation service for organisations, companies and individuals. We can successfully undertake any work requiring a combination of qualified engineers and designers.
We have extensive experience working in conjunction with architects in the UK and internationally on projects from concept visualisation to completion.
Floataway's principle consultants:
Colin Stanwell-Smith C. Eng. M.I.Mech.E. B.Sc F.R.S.A.
Toby Stanwell-Smith Ind.Des.&Tech.BA Hons.Brunel
Electropneumatics CVA. A.&D. Dip
Floataway have provided consultancy for projects including:
Technical advice and part specification for Spa projects
Custom float room design with technical support
Technical water systems for contractors to self fit
Custom float rooms, designed and installed on site by our engineers