Setting Prices

Prices you can charge for floating vary greatly from one package to another. The standard price in the UK for a single float session is £30 to £45 (€40 to €60/US$45 to $70), and in Germany and the USA the price can go as high as over 100€/$100 at some of the up-market float centres. Look at other float centres in your area or country to see what market prices are currently at. All centres offer package deals for purchasing 3, 5, 10 or even 50 floats at one time. A three-float package usually sells for £80 to £90 whereas a 50-float package can go as low as £600. Regardless of the prices you choose to offer, be sure to stipulate that all package deals must be used within a given time frame, for example the 50-float package should be used within one year of purchase.

The best way to sell floating is to offer your clients to become a “float club member”, whereby they pay the full price every month and receive one float. All other float sessions they wish to have during the same month will be sold at a reduced price to them and perhaps to other members of their household. The reduced price has to be so attractive that they will want to become a float club member. In reality they may only float once or twice more during any given month, but you are assured a fixed revenue every month.
You may want to suggest too that if they are unable to use their monthly float any given month, they can give it to someone else as long as that person has never floated before.

You might also want to offer peak and off-peak prices, or a cheaper rate for students and people over 60. In our opinion, it is better to be earning even £10/$15/€13 per float during off-peak times than to earn nothing.

Another price plan is to include a float session with a therapy or with a choice of therapies. This can be extended to half day or full day packages. Obviously, this increases the value of the package.

If you sell floating as part of a self-improvement or self-pampering course, you can increase the value and invite commitment to a series of floats. The general consensus is that it takes a minimum of 3 floats to really be able to relax and experience the benefits of floating. It is always good to offer new floaters a three-float package for example, and to get them to commit to reserving their judgement until after the 3 sessions.

In any case always be sure that the float session or float package is paid for in full before the customer takes his or her float.

A Note on Offering Free Floats:

In our experience, we have found that first time floaters who are offered a free float will be less excited about floating than if they have paid for his or her first float. As in most situations, people tend to see greater value in things they have had to pay for. As we mention briefly above, it is commonly accepted that most first-time floaters will need to float at least three times before they can truly relax and allow their bodies to get the full benefit from floating. We suggest that you always try to sell a low priced three-float package to all first-time floaters, explaining to them that they may not be fully able to relax the first time. You can point out to them that one float alone would cost them £40 or £45, depending on what your price-point, but that your first-time floaters package only costs £80 or £90 for example, making the price savings attractive to the prospective client. Of course, we suggest that you reserve this low price for first time floaters only, and not for other experienced floaters who only want to buy 3 floats at a time. It does not matter how much you discount the package but we recommend only offering free floats to journalists and personal friends.

Rose Knibbe