Legal Stuff


You must have public liability insurance for your centre to cover yourself against anyone injuring him-or herself in your centre. This is the only insurance you are obliged by law to have though in practice you will probably want a package including fire and theft insurance too. From our experience, not every insurance company is willing to insure a float centre because they don’t know what floating is, so you may have to shop around to find the right company willing to work with you.

Health and Safety

Anyone dealing with water may have regular, unexpected visits from the health and safety inspectors. They will arrive unannounced and will take samples of the water in all your pools. Whatever means of disinfection you choose to use, if you disinfect daily, you should never have any problems with the inspectors. We currently use chlorine in the UK as our main source of disinfection, but hydrogen peroxide with ultra-violet filtration is also used by many of our clients and Bromine is sometimes considered in some countries too. We have a detailed document concerning disinfection which we can send to you upon request. For a commercial float pool, you must keep records to show that you maintain it daily. We provide an Excel Spread sheet detailing maintenance activities which should be used for this purpose. Water maintenance is discussed in great detail in our Operator’s Manual which is given with each product purchased.

Rose Knibbe