The Big Launch!

Launching your centre

An official launch is a useful publicity opportunity. This can take place at any time; it does not have to take place the first week you open. One client of ours in Ireland had their official launch one year after opening. We were invited to attend and were asked to make short presentations about floating while standing in the float room. A member of their staff floated all evening with the door open (wearing a swimming costume) while we talked about the benefits of floating. Several hundred people attended, including local journalists and radio presenters and the event was a great success.

A launch can also be repeated shamelessly!

During such an event you can offer a price reduction for all packages purchased during the evening, such as 20% off your standard prices or “buy two, get one free” etc.

One of our clients in Germany did a pre-launch for their friends, family and business contacts. They invited everyone to come and have a free float any time during a two-week period (with prior booking, of course). They told them that they weren’t fully ready to open to the public but that they wanted these people to “test” the centre for them and to give them their opinions. They were fully booked for the entire two weeks and got some fabulous feedback. In addition, they offered 50% off all packages purchased during this two-week period and sold gift vouchers totalling €25,000 before even opening! Our clients did tell us that they were totally unprepared for the success of their two- week promotion and that they did not have the time to discuss in depth with each floater the benefits of floating. Nevertheless, they were very pleased with the overall results and it gave them a great boost right at the start. The lesson here: put on extra staff during your launch if you make this kind of offer.

Rose Knibbe